The second Online Conference
+7 701 776 1778 | RU | EN
Kazakhstan Mining Online Conference and Workshops

Dear partners!

We continue the series of online conferences Kazakhstan Mining Online Conference and Workshops!

The second conference will be held on March 4th. Its main theme will be «The Era of Transformation - improving productivity».

During the conference, experts will discuss: The MMC development vectors in 2021, Modern approaches to the implementation of complex projects in the mining industry, the Development Plan for the gold mining industry.

This event is organized for participants, delegates and visitors of the International Kazakhstan Exhibition Mining & Metals Central Asia and the International Mining and Metallurgy Congress.

Participation in an online conference as a listener is free of charge!

Results of the first Kazakhstan Mining Online Conference and Workshops:
New future of MMC sector

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Итоги первой онлайн-конференции

Expected speakers of the online conference:



For all questions related to the Online Conference Program, please contact:

Olga Remorenko

Olga Remorenko
Conference Manager
+7 701 776 17 78
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Organiser: «Iteca» LLP

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