30th Central Asian International Mining Exploration & Mining Equipment Exhibition

30th Central Asian International Mining Exploration & Mining Equipment Exhibition


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AK-NIET BURGA has been providing services for drilling exploration wells for solid minerals in many regions of Kazakhstan and beyond since 2005. To date, the total volume of drilled meters is over 2,500,000 long meters.

ak niet burga Photo

At the moment , the company has in its composition:

✅   RC-10 drilling rigs;

✅   Core/diamond-4 drilling rigs;

✅   Compressor and auxiliary equipment-50 units;

AK-NIET BURGA offers a full range of drilling services, exploration of solid mineral deposits by the method of reverse purging (RC drilling) and core/diamond drilling with core sampling, which are characterized by optimal technologies in terms of industrial safety, environmental protection and work efficiency.

The company, together with the Geological Exploration College of the East Kazakhstan region of Semey, has launched grants for free education for the best students who want to become drilling rig operators in the future, with subsequent guaranteed employment in the company.

And also, AK-NIET BURGA opens its doors to trainees — students of universities and secondary educational institutions. This is a mutually beneficial event, as trainees can gain practical experience, and the company is looking for promising personnel for the future.

Hurry up to schedule a meeting with the company at the Mining & Metals Central Asia exhibition – “Mining Equipment, Mining and Processing of Ores and Minerals”.

You can visit the exposition of the enterprise on September 20 - 22, Atakent Kazakhstan Center for Business Cooperation, Almaty.

Get a ticket by following the link.

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