Gortekhmash-Zavody JSC (operating since 1995) is a production association, which includes Russian and international assets in the field of heavy engineering.
An innovation center, the purpose of which is to develop its own design solutions in the field of product design and creation of efficient production technologies, as well as reverse engineering, operates within the structure of Gortekhmash-Zavody JSC».
The company is certified according to GOST R ISO 9001-2015 (ISO 9001:2015) in the following directions of activities:
1.1. Production, engineering and technical design, machining process, sales and transportation of spare parts for heavy mine excavators, drilling rigs and crushing and grinding equipment:
welded metal structures (without mass limitation);
details of gears (module up to 50 mm);
body parts up to 4,000 mm wide, up to 15,000 mm long, weighing up to 100 tons;
shafts up to 1,500 mm in diameter, up to 12,000 mm long, weighing up to 60 tons;
toothed rims up to 14,000 mm in diameter, 50 mm module;
foundry products made of carbon, medium high-alloy steels for the mining industry weighing up to 220 tons;
forgings for axles, shafts, gear shafts for mills, crushers and excavators weighing up to 80 tons, up to 19,000 mm long;
castings made of wear-resistant high-manganese 110G13L steel and its modifications weighing from 50 kg to 20 tons for mining and crushing and grinding equipment.
1.2 Repair and installation of metal products, machinery and equipment:
diagnostics and issuance of a conclusion on the technical condition;
carrying out repairs (emergency, current, medium, capital);
installation, supervised installation, dismantling;
commissioning works;
1.3 Wholesale of machinery, instruments, apparatus and equipment for general industrial and special purposes
Customers of the company: Kazakhmys Coal LLP, Kyrgyzmashtrade LLC, ALROSA PJSC, POLYUS group of companies, MECHEL group of companies, METALLOINVEST, Kuzbassrazrezugol JSC, SUEK (Siberian Coal Energy Company) JSC, Russian Coal JSC, RUSAL JSC.
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